PC=Pairing Collection. Nice things come in two
I structure this showcase as pairings to my key Kobe and MJ cards, so that they will not be so lonely. Seriously though, those serve as an intermediate phase towards final Kobe-MJ pairing (if possible) with numbering or condition constraints, which will gradually materialize. But current pairings breathe some fresh air into this project. If you have or know any actual cards which improve current pairings, please feel free to contact me via Contact page. Any suggestions or critiques are welcome.
Precious Metal Gems
Kobe and Nash, and original PMG vs Retro PMG, highest graded vs jsy number. Nash has original PMG, but he became a Lakers in the same year where this card is issued. Hope this NB duo will have a great time and a great season. One can also have an opportunity to see the various differences between original and Retro versions.
This 11-12 year is Lebron year, MVP, Finals MVP and Gold medal, all done against or with Durant as runner-up/side-kick, so 35/150 for Lebron red I pulled is kind of sweet. Lebron is also training with No. 35 for second year straight to improve together with one of the best and also perhaps to know one of his biggest opponents better. This 23/50 Blue was extremely lucky to land. Thankfully two quick BIN hitters backed out even quicker and I was able to reach a deal with Romar from OCT for a price good for both of us, a very nice communication and this wraps up my Retro hunting and pairing project temporarily.
E-X Credentials
98-99 E-X century essentials credentials now and future with matching serial number. 4 is a significant number for Kobe, as the 4th championship is his first champ he won as sole leader of the team, which completely silenced any detractors/doubters. He even signed some 4/ 07-08 exq inscriptions. 4 + 4 in a pair = 8.